Joanna Więckowska, MSc
Graduate Students
Office:A3 / 220a
Phone:+48 71 320 3209

Obtained BSc degree in biotechnology at the Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Science and Technology in 2014. Her Thesis "Life in Universe" connected her studies and passion for chemistry and astronomy. In 2015 graduated with an MSc degree in analytical chemistry - food and environmental analysis. In 2016 she began her PhD studies at the Department of Physical and Quantum Chemistry with Dr Piotr Nowak. In 2013 she participated in the Summer School Wrocław-Anchorage at Alaska, USA. The results of her studies are included in the article "Cyclic growth of hierarchical structures in the aluminium-silicate system" that she co-authored. In a free time she is an editor and writer of WUST student’s magazine, cats lover and Iron Maiden fan.


Dyonizy, A.; Kaminker, V.; Wieckowska, J.; Krzywicki, T.; Pantaleone, J.; Nowak, P.; Maselko, J. Cyclic growth of hierarchical structures in the aluminum-silicate system. Journal of Systems Chemistry 2015, 6 (1).

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